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It's Showtime!!

Below you will find a scattered collection of work conducted by me during the course of my master's degree at Michigan State University.  I had the privilege of updating old work and creating new masterpieces for my students.  I have broken my showcase up into four parts: Lesson Plans, Presentations & Labs, Resources and Journal Work.  These are the aspects that I deem most important in my classroom because the integration of technology into my pedagogy will help me succeed in meeting my goals.  The lesson plans, presentations, and labs combined with my resources will get my students off to the best start to meet my goal.


Feel free to click on the pictures to dig deeper into the artifact.

Lesson Plans

engine dream.PNG

How an internal combustion engine works -


With this lesson, I revamped an old lesson that I created my first year of teaching.  I integrated technology into one location in a simple format.  From here students have access to the lessons, labs, and worksheets.  Students that have an absence still have the opportunity to the class.  This exemplifies the lessons that I learned so that students will be less likely to get lost with one central location.  







The history of energy and how it is applied to our everyday life -


I had a flipped classroom in mind while designing this lesson.  I made all of the lectures accessible anywhere so when the students come to class, they will be ready for the lab.  I learned how animation can promote growth in education, this has helped me grow as an educator.  I also learned the importance of social media in the classroom.  Here students will use SM to complete this lab and they will also have to collaborate with others via social media to get to the end.  This proves that I understand what students need to succeed.

Presentations & Labs


Producing biodiesel fuel from vegetable oil -


This presentation illustrates that I know how to teach and show students how an internal combustion engine works.  I studied the effects animation and movies have on students and help them learn.  I know how to adopt principals and I know how to apply them in presentations.

Internal Cumbustion Engine PwrPnt.PNG

The components of the internal combustion engine -


With the hands-on work done in some classrooms, it is easy to get lost.  I have consolidated 3 labs into one document that can be accessed online from any electronic device showing my educational ability.  With the integration of technology in the lab, students are less likely to get lost.  I have conducted a voice over for this lab, this way students can reference my notes and my lecture from any location.



I have created a media library for teachers that have some sort of math in their curriculum.  This Library is tailored for teachers who teach in a shop environment but can be applied to any classroom.  I know the importance of collaborating with colleagues that I work with.  This showpiece has made me a better educator due to the value of collaborating with my peers.




It was also tasked to me to create an emergency evacuation plan for a sport that I coach.  I have learned that a coach is not only responsible for the athletes on the field but everyone that is in attendance as well.  I have become a better coach because of this.


Journal Work


Through my coursework, at MSU I had to keep journals and logs of the work that I completed and how I have applied them in real time.  Here you will find those journals.


With the integration of technology, I have learned how some technology can accelerate the learning process but some can hinder it.  With my New Media Technology work, I have found different resources to use in the classroom and conducted research on how to effectively use it and I have integrated it into my curriculum.


Another way that I have grown is that I have studied design and empathy in the classroom.  I know why it is important to have a design in the classroom that goes hand in hand with the empathy of students.  I have chosen this artifact to exemplify my new knowledge of design and empathy.





Lastly, I have learned the importance of using all my space in my classroom and how to design a curriculum that helps students learn because of the space provided.  Below you will find a journal of my studies and findings of design in the classroom, this is why I have chosen this artifact and why it has made me a better teacher.

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